Sunday, August 22, 2010

Caleb Day!

There is a day for Caleb, did you know? It is called Caleb Day. It began about 10 years ago. One day after the start of a new school year, Caleb was having an atrocious day, so Natalie and I went to visit Caleb. When he asked us what the special occasion was that predicated our visit, we told him that it was Caleb Day, and thus a celebration should ensue.

Since then, Caleb Day has continued every August 31st, with the exception of a short hiatus while Caleb was on his mission. When he came home, I was gently reminded that Caleb Day had been all but forgotten while on his mission (and I had forgotten about it...) so since, Caleb Day has always been a Celebration at our house. A Holiday created for Caleb. What could be better.

We usually celebrate with something small and a small gift of some sort, it is just a chance for me to remember how special Caleb is and take time out of life to recognize all he does for me.

This year I decided to do the 12 days of Caleb day, but due to a low budget- and not wanting to get Caleb Repeats of the same thing, I started 12 days out, counting backwards from 12. So according to my modified version, we are on the 10th day of Caleb day. I created notes that say "on the Twelfth day of Caleb Day your true love gives to you..." Day 12 was a 12 pack of Mountain Dew, Day 11, 11 packs of pez. Today is a 10 dollar gift card... he does not know that yet. ( :

I have been so excited for Caleb day this year, it has been a lot of fun giving him something each day that he likes. Especially as school is starting and we all know what fun work and college are!

Stay tuned for the remainder of the Caleb day items. I still have 9 days after today. I have been asked on more than one occasion by folks new to Caleb Day- if there is a subsequent Rachel Day... I tell them sure there is, there are about 362 of those days a year. Outside of Caleb's B-day and Christmas, he deserves at least one.


just dandee said...

What a great idea!!! Hooray for Caleb! May his day/ days be the best ever!!! I am excited to keep up with you guys through your blog!!! Please visit ours anytime!

Jill said...

Now that is a fabulous idea!

Hannah Neville McMillan said...

that is such a cute idea!!!! :) I assumed it was his birthday, but I like that idea. I should do that too.. every day is Hannah day around here! ;)

Dayna said...

Hilarious! I love it! You're so sweet! I hope Conor doesn't catch wind of Caleb Day and want a Conor Day! ; )

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