Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I have been feeling REALLY run down lately! I have been having a hard time staying focused at work- and really being enthused about my job. I was thinking of leaving, but I cannot bring myself to leave the people I work with- whom I have grown to love over the past 2 years. I have a feeling I ought to stay at my current job too. So I have decided to stay where I am working, and change my attitude.

I went to the "Women empowered" conference today, which my boss had us attend, and I realized that the good thing about staying where I am is, though, that now I can look for ways to still improve as a person and thus improve my organization. It also helped me put things into perspective- realize that I am lucky to a)have a job and b) be so fortunate to work with the people I do, which brings me to c) a good reason to go to work each day, that is not just a pay check.

The conference gave me ideas on improving myself personally and professionally. In addition to giving me a better attitude- it put things in perspective and helped me to be happier and more grateful for all that I have and I am learning, and to find out what I need to learn from this stepping stone in my life. So on I go to learn more, do more, and hopefully be more. Go team!


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