Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Bike Race

During the second week of August, the Business Depot that houses my building for work had its annual corporate games. All sorts of events are hosted throughout the week, including a 15 mile bike race. A bike race that does 10 laps on a 1.5 mile loop. The prizes for this race are 1st Place: $100.00, 2nd Place: $75.00, 3rd Place: $50.00. Historically not many women register for the event, and since I exercise regularly, I thought I could complete it, and in doing so, perhaps win a prize.

The race started at 7am. I get there- wearing normal workout clothes and tennis shoes... I borrowed a bike rack from my friend Amy. My bike had been sad, lonely and unridden for about 5 years- and was sitting in our backyard shed, but Caleb and I got them tuned up the previous week to go camping, so I had warmed up on it a bit. My bike is a 21 speed Diamond Back mountain bike that I purchased at a store on Hill Air Force base when I was 15- I got it with the money from my first job.

So me and my 12 year old mountain bike arrive at the race. I unhook it from my car and proceed to the starting line. As I move forward I am finding that my mountain bike and I are out of place. I roll in I see people with professional road bikes and jersey's, spandex shorts with butt pads built in for cushion, and here I am with my recently tuned up mountain bike... The men there had shoes that lock into their pedals and GPS devices to measure their distance- I confess I felt extremely silly. Some of these bikes cost more than a used car would...

As time progressed I did see one advantage: I was one of only 2 women who showed up. Since there is a Men's and a Women's Division, I was guaranteed a prize, even if I did not finish the race. 2nd place! Woo hoo! So I rode my little heart out on my 12 year old mountain bike. I finished last. I did finish all 10 laps. I have never ridden 15 miles on a bike at one time in my entire life. I got off the bike and my legs felt like Jell-o, but I finished! It took me 62 minutes to ride 15 miles. I guess 15 miles an hour is not that bad... right? Someone said that my bike tires provide a lot of resistance, so it is harder on a mountain bike, so I will stick with that story as to why I, probably the youngest person in the race, finished last. All the same, I got second place, which was 75.00 to Bingham Cyclery. Perhaps I will take up road biking, after all, it was a lot of fun. I just don't know if I can justify paying for a bike that is worth more than my Honda.

The pictures are just off the starting line, you can see all of the Pro Bikes and biking garb, and me with my Adidas shorts... priceless.


Brian and Lindsey said...

I bet you made all of them feel overdressed;)

Christensen family said...

You are awsome. You go girl!!!

Dayna said...

You ARE awesome! That was hilarious to read. I guess I could see myself in your place, doing the same thing. But wait, no, I wouldn't have ever signed up for the bike race in the first place. Still something I totally relate to. that's great you did it, in your Adidas shorts and mountain bike, AND finished! I came in dead last at a Park City run when I was 9 or 10. It was humiliating, especially with the car following behind me until I crossed the finish line. Good times. . . . ; )

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